Thursday, October 5, 2017

What Makes ProBio5 Different From Other Probiotics?

The negative symptoms we experience are linked to the bad bacteria in our intestines, but what do we do to get rid of it and in turn feel better? Probio5! There are lots of products on the market, so what makes Plexus Probio5 so different?
Many people think it is all about putting the good bacteria back in, and while that certainly is important, it is key to rid the bad bacteria that causes those symptoms! We all have a bad bacteria, called Chitin that multiplies in the gut due to stress, sugar, medications, and when it does it forms a tough and protective cell wall. This layer is what makes yeast overgrowth hard to get rid of.
ProBio5 (unlike other probiotics) includes this specific antifungal enzyme, Chitosanase, which breaks through that cell wall and effectively attacks the yeast overgrowth, so that the intestines can properly absorb the 5 good strains of bacteria that are also included in this product!
Yeast overgrowth wreaks havoc on the body in a variety of ways! Ridding it is key to feeling better! Probio5 also includes digestive enzymes to help break down our food, along with grapeseed extract as an antioxidant!
This 5 in 1 product helps to replenish the good bacteria, support our immune system, and rid our body of the yeast overgrowth that are causing those unwanted symptoms!  
If you crave sugar, especially at night, had antibiotics in the past year, steroid shots, have ever used the acne drug Accutane, have skin conditions that are itchy/scaly/plaque-y, eat processed foods, or drink alcohol occasionally, you are the PERFECT candidate for Probio5.
*contains both digestive enzymes & antifungals.
*eliminates bad bacteria by initiating die-off.
*contains bacterial strain resistant to antibiotics
*breaks down yeast overgrowth in your gut.

My FIRST reaction to this probiotic was gut detox and then a period of feeling incredibly alert and calm. By one month on it, I experienced noticeable positive changes in mood and waking up deeply refreshed from a night of sleep

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