Thursday, October 5, 2017

9 Tips For Stress Relief ( No Yoga Mat Included)

1. Declutter.
Take a moment and take a hard look at your car, your office and the corners of 
your home. If water bottles are rolling around, papers are flying every which direction, 
and it’s hard to open the front door without shoes being in the way. It’s time to 
declutter. Each time you get out of the car, try grabbing a few things—not everything—
of what can be thrown out. No extra time is required and odds are, there’s a trash can 
along the way. If you have a stapler at your desk, use it! If you don’t like the commitment 
of the stapler, try using paper clips. If you keep finding yourself tripping over everyone’s 
shoes, take a deep breath and pick them up. If you’re heading towards whoever’s room 
any ways, it can be a quick drop-off!
2. Will this matter a week or month from now?
Seriously, will it? Ask yourself this question. If something didn’t go exactly the way you 
wanted it to go today, let it go! Remember back in grade school when you got your first 
bad grade? Yeah neither do we. But look at where you are today.
3. Laugh it off.
If you made a mistake, try to think of it as a goofy one. Laugh it off! The act of laughing 
helps your body fight stress in a number of ways.1 It’s so easy to get upset with yourself 
and stress about whatever it was that happened and go home thinking about it over and 
over. Even if it was the same mistake made twice, put a smile on. Time machines don’t 
exist yet, life goes on—so should you!
4. Write things down and simplify your schedule.
If you’re the one who stores a check list of everything you have to do today, this week or 
this month in your head, it can get stressful. Take a moment to write things down. By 
looking at the tasks first hand rather than thinking of them can help you simplify your 
schedule tremendously. You’ll be able to shift certain duties around based on the 
importance of them to things that aren’t so necessary. The load of laundry can wait a few 
and Becky doesn’t need five playdates this week.
5. It’s OK to let things slide.
It’s almost midnight and you still have a million and one things to do. GO TO BED. Not 
giving your body rest and letting it rejuvenate can lead to even bigger stress. Let the task 
slide and finish it in the morning. The dishes and email can wait.
6. Take time to do what you love.
If you want to get back into tennis or sign up for an art class or get the black belt in karate 
you’ve always dreamed of, do it! Honestly, there’s never going to be enough time to get 
back into doing the things you love, you have to MAKE time. Even if you’re jammed pack 
with projects or kids, sign up for that 5k. The project will be there when you get back and 
your kids will be there cheering for you on the sidelines. You’ll be surprised by doing the 
things you love can give you a fresh new mindset.
Things you could do at home you might’ve forgotten you loved:
  • Tell Alexa to put on YOUR favorite music and bust out your groovy dance moves.
  • Take your dog for a walk and try a new neighborhood!
  • Bring out the DDR mat, play ping-pong, or get in some Mario Kart Wii action with                   the kids.
7. Color.

That’s right, coloring! Whether you spend your day with kids or not, coloring is an
awesome way to calm down. It can help slow down your heart rate and loosen your
muscles while stimulating the brain.2 You don’t have to invest in a coloring book to
do this, there’s plenty of online coloring templates you can download.
8. Let lunch time be a time to unwind.
Try stepping out of the office for lunch. Seeing the outdoors will give your mind the rest 
it needs before tackling the rest of the day. While you’re out, don’t think about work. 
Unless of course, you’re at a business lunch.While on your lunch, try calling an old friend, 
or your grandma and check in! Use this time to get some steps in and walk around the 
building. Putting in at least 30 minutes of physical activity can be a huge stress reliever 
and release endorphins that’ll make you feel good.3 If there’s a park nearby, try eating 
your lunch there—people watching can be surprisingly very entertaining. And, when you 
come back, park your car in the furthest parking spot—we dare ya.
9. Take care of your today.
Tomorrow is tomorrow, next week is next week. Today is today. Don’t stress over the 
future because it hasn’t happened yet! Focus your energy on the things you want to do 
today. It’ll relieve a huge amount of stress and your brain won’t feel as cluttered. 


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